Collecting Military Badges

Individuals who collect military badges do so for a variety of reasons. There are those who served in the
military who are interested in collecting them as a remembrance, of sorts.

Other collectors do so in honor of family members who have served, at one time or another.

A third group of military badge collectors have taken up a hobby because of their strong sense of
patriotism. They do not necessarily come from a family with a military background but want to honor all
of the men and women who have served our country, allowing us to enjoy the freedoms we have,

There are many types of military badges. The information that follows covers just a few of the many
badges awarded to those serving in the US Armed Forces.

There are six different categories of badges. These include: US Department of Defense badges, Army
badges, Navy badges, Air Force badges, Marine Corps badges and Coast Guard badges.

The Presidential Service Badge is awarded to both military and civilian members who are employed as
full-time military staff to the President. These individuals are those who are actually working, at the
White House.

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Each badge is created for each particular recipient and is stamped with its own unique serial number.
The badge can be presented to military and social aides, individuals assigned to the White House
Communications Agency and the White House transportation agency... just to name a few.

The presidential Service Badge can be worn on a military uniform, even after employment ends. The
award is noted as a personal decoration in one's service records, as well.

Several separate branches of the military issues the Flight Surgeon's Badge to those who are flight
surgeons and qualified medical officers. It was first issued in World War II, by the Army.

There are several qualifications which must be met in order to be eligible for the Flight Surgeon's Badge.
Dependent on the branch of service, there are different ratings associated with it.

The Army and Air Force issue the badge as Basic, Senior or Master. The Navy and Coast Guard only
award it in one degree. The Marine Corps does not issue this decoration because they do not maintain
their own medical division.

The Naval Flight Officer Astronaut Badge is issued by both the Navy and Marine Corps. It is a breast
insignia encompassing a pair of golden wings, crossed anchors and a shield.

Recipients are those who have qualified as naval flight officers, after an extensive amount of training.
This training includes: aviation, airborne navigation, electronic warfare and weapons deployment

The Air Force Academy Professor Badge was created, in the 1980s, to recognize those Air Force officers
who are full-time professors at the US Air Force Academy. This badge is a permanent decoration given
to any officer, holding an advanced degree.

The best way to display a collection of badges is in a wooden display case, of some type. There are many
beautiful cases available, in all sizes and finishes... typically heirloom walnut or cherry. These cases easily
blend in with a wide variety of décor.
